- The market town of Bourne, Lincolnshire, England -


Bourne notices cartoon

Notice Board - What's On

To post a notice, click on the envelope below and email details using the same style as those already posted and it will be added within 24 hours.


This facility is for the benefit of those who wish to make an announcement about events or occurrences in and around Bourne, or even to leave a message for a friend or for some other eventuality. It is not intended for sales advertising so please do not ask to include your second hand car or old washing machine unless it is for a charitable cause.


Events   Clubs & Organisations  

  Information Required   Club announcements



FULL MEETINGS and committee meetings of the town council normally take place on a Tuesday evening and are held at the new Community Access Point based at the Corn Exchange. The full council meetings are preceded by a Public Open Forum at 7.30 pm (maximum of 30 minutes) with the full council meeting at 8 pm, or at the end of the public forum, whichever is the sooner. Any person wishing to speak must be present at the start of the forum to ensure they are given the opportunity to put their question. An individual may ask no more than two questions during a forum session.

Council and committee meetings in 2013 - all meetings held on Tuesdays

Amenities - Jul 9, Sep 10, Oct 22, Dec 3
Highways & Planning - Jun 25, Jul 16, Aug 6, Sep 17, Oct 8, Oct 29, Nov 19, Dec 10
Finance & General Purposes - Jul 23, Sep 24, Nov 5, Nov 1
Full council meetings & Open Forums - Jun 25, Aug 6, Oct 8, Nov 19

Annual parish meeting - 6th May 2014
Annual meet in of the council - 13th May 2014


 Town councillors from 2011
See also the Bourne Town Council web site

- forthcoming events in 2013

Saturday 29th June - Patronal Festival and Country Fayre 2 pm until 5 pm
(Stalls, games, competitions, refreshments, display of murals in the church by local schoolchildren)

Information on all future events from Betty James on 01778 424017 or Arthur Lightfoot
on 01778 426723. Whist drive dates and details from Judy Smith on 01778 422219.
Ann Northen is on 01778 423353.

See Bourne Links for the church web site

Baldock's Mill, South Street

The centre is open Saturdays and Sundays 2 pm until 4 pm.

which administers the centre meets here regularly. Meetings begin at 7.30 pm.

Thursday 4th July - Barbecue at the Outdoor Swimming Pool
Wednesday 11th September - Battle over Bourne 1941 by Dennis Winsor
Monday 14th October - Cane and beet sugar by Tony Burke
Sunday 25h November - Wine and nibbles at the chairman's home

The three floors of the Heritage Centre contain memorabilia from the town's historic past including the Raymond Mays Memorial Room and the Charles Worth Gallery. Souvenirs and gifts are also available and you may have a computer-based tour of the town. Admission is free.
The society also arranges talks on topics of interest to members who receive monthly newsletters keeping them up to date with our activities including the encouragement of higher standards of planning for the town and its environs, monitoring planning issues and raising funds to secure the future of the centre. The society needs new members to support its work and help achieve these aims. Why not come and join us?

Please print out a
membership application form.

 is now open for the summer season. For details of opening times
and admission charges see
Bourne Links for their web site.

Registered Charity No 1000724

Our meetings are free to all with no requirement to be a member of the Lincolnshire Family History Society and are held at the United Reformed Church Hall in Eastgate, Bourne (entrance by stone cottage on Spalding Road) on the third Tuesday of the month at 7.30 pm. Doors open at 7 pm and tea and refreshments are available at the end of the evening. We also have a bookstall at each meeting with publications by the society and selected national Family History publishers. Whilst our talks may include some local content, our programme aims to cover topics which may come up in the research of family history anywhere in the United Kingdom, so we welcome all researchers regardless where their ancestors may have lived.
For details of our forthcoming meetings and to find out more about the Lincolnshire Family History Society see our web site or if you wish to contact us for further information about the branch please email.


Bourne U3A meets on the third Monday of each month at the Corn Exchange, Bourne, starting at 2.15pm. For more information about what's on and how to join telephone 0845 519 1385 or simply go along to one of the monthly meetings where you will be made very welcome.

See Bourne Links for our web site.

was founded in 1983 when twenty ladies met to eat and chat. It now has over 40 members of all ages who meet on the second Tuesday of the month, 7 pm for 7.30 pm, at the Conservative Party headquarters in North Street with guest speakers after dinner. Annual membership is £7 with a charge of £12 per dinner. This is an excellent opportunity for newcomers to the town to settle in and feel at home.

Further information from Shirley Fairbairn on 01778 424613 and Betty James on 01778 424017 or email

holds regular meetings and concerts on Wednesdays at the Corn Exchange, Bourne, at
6.45 pm for 7.30 pm
. Admission £5 (members) and £6 (non-members).

19th June - The Key Klix (Richard Bower & Ian Griffin)
More club  information from Neal's Hairdressers, South Street, or call Denis on 01778 422262.

meets in the Baxter Room at Wake House on the third Monday of each month at
7.30 pm. Non-members are welcome to attend. Help us maintain the heritage of Bourne and to refurbish and reopen the Victorian cemetery chapel.

For further information see Bourne Links for web site.

meets at the Abbey Church hall in Church Walk, Bourne, at 7.30 pm on the third Thursday of each month (except August). Annual membership is £10 and members pay £1 each month which includes refreshments. New members and visitors are always welcome.

 For more information contact Trevor Horn on 01778 570249.




The local Probus Club for retired professional and business men. Lunch meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month at The Toft Country House Hotel, Toft. We have a varied programme of talks, outings and special lunches. Full details of the club and its activities are given in our membership leaflet, available from the club secretary, Peter Page, 48 Grosvenor Avenue, Bourne, PE10 9HU, telephone 01778 393031 or email.

Round Table logo




People are often uncertain what Round Table is all about. We are not a secret society, we do not spend all our time charity fundraising and we are not the local darts team. What we are is a group of guys who enjoy an active social life, undertaking activities that many people would love to get involved in. Whilst we are a men’s organisation, we also include partner and family activities in our programme, so everyone gets to be involved. You are currently missing out!
Our events for 2012 include karting, gliding, beach party paintball, brewery visit, clay pigeon shooting, golf, five-a-side football, snooker and speedway. Join us for an evening and find out what it’s all about. Call our membership officer Ray Berry on 07951010595 who will give you more details.

2 North Road, Bourne
provides day care for the older person - and much more.
Mobile meals delivered to your home
Domestic help service
Day care (at the centre)
Call manager Debbie Hague on 01778 421422 for more information.

are frequently held on the market place outside the Corn Exchange, Bourne, on selected Fridays, dates to be announced.

For further details, email Paul Gibbins or telephone 07712 199076.
NOTE: Car parking in this section of the market place is closed on those days.

Over the past 24 years we have provided help for hundreds of cats and kittens, finding them new homes, veterinary care and rehabilitation. Our work is constant but increasingly expensive and so gifts of food or money are always appreciated. Our fund raising also includes regular jumble sales on Saturdays at the Abbey Church hall in Church Walk on dates to be announced.
 We will also have a stall on the Thursday market  from 8.30 am until 12 noon and so items are always needed and most welcome, The dates for 2012 to be announced.

Further information from Cynthia Graham on 01778 422097 or Jan Ellison on 01778 422726.

There is always a requirement for space to hold an event or party in Bourne and four main venues are readily available.

The CHURCH HALL in Church Walk has a well equipped kitchen and is already used for many activities including indoor bowls, dances, sales and coffee mornings. Children's parties are popular at £25 for three hours. For more details of charges and to make a booking telephone Janet Stubbs (caretaker) on 01778 422304 or Merryn Woodland (churchwarden)
on 01778 423232.

The RED HALL in South Street for weddings and events by arrangement with Bourne United Charities. For more details and to download a booking form see their web site.

The DARBY AND JOAN CLUB in South Street has similar facilities and to make a booking, telephone the caretaker on 01778 421900.

The ELSEA PARK COMMUNITY CENTRE at 1 Sandown Drive, Bourne, is now
available for hire. For inquiries about booking, either telephone 01778 423062 or email.

NOTE: If you wish your venue to be added to this list then please email.

Pinfold Road, Bourne
The site is open for the disposal of all domestic refuse from
9 am until 4 pm
on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday
PLEASE NOTE: Waste from trade or business premises in not permitted.


* Monday
June 24

PETERBOROUGH CATHEDRAL is the subject of a talk to the Witham-on-the-Hill Historical Society in the parish hall at Witham-on-the-Hill, near Bourne, at 7.30 pm. Admission £2 for members, £2.50 non members. Tickets can be booked by phoning 01778 590204 or pay on the door. All welcome. The parish hall is the small building next to the village church.

June 29

OLD FOLK, a play by Archie Wilson, will be presented by the new drama group EPIC (Elsea Park in Costume) at 3 pm at the community centre at Elsea Park in South Road, Bourne. Admission free.

June 30

SUMMER OPEN DAY at the Not All Bad @ Bourne Youth Centre in Queen's Road, Bourne. Many events including (8 am - 12 noon) table top sale and craft fair and the cafe will also be open serving a cooked breakfast; (12 noon - 5pm) community village and summer fete; (12 -7 pm) fete to include inflatables, stalls, BBQ, games, tombola and entertainment on the hard court and sports field; (12 - 4 pm) community village with stands within the main hall and lounge for voluntary and community groups; (5 pm - 7pm) live music and comedy performances. For more information please see the Not All Bad Facebook page.

July 6

A HANDFUL OF HARMONIES, the popular ladies choir, will be in concert at the Abbey Church, Bourne, at 7.30 pm. Tickets £5 (under 16 £2) from Merryn on 01778 423232 or Ceri on 01778 423873. Refreshments will be served. Proceeds in aid of the Abbey Church and A Handful of Harmonies.


ALZHEIMER'S AND DEMENTIA SUPPORT hold a coffee morning on the first Wednesday of each month at the Wood Grange Care Home in West Road, Bourne. Everyone is welcome to come along for a chat with refreshments. There is no charge. For more details telephone Jean West on 07747 757848.
ARMY CADET FORCE (Bourne detachment) meets at its headquarters in Austerby, Bourne, every Wednesday evening at 6.45 pm. Anyone interested in joining can turn up or contact John Burke by telephone on 01778 394121 or email.
ART CLASSES FOR KIDS are brand new classes in the arts of drama, singing and musical theatre for young people aged 4-16 held in the village hall at Langtoft, near Bourne. Minis 5-7 years on Tuesdays 4.45 pm - 5.30 pm; juniors 8-12 years on Tuesdays 5.30 pm - 6.3 0pm; seniors 13-18 years on Tuesdays 6.30 pm - 7.30 pm. All sessions cost just £1.50 a week. For more information or to request an application form please email or telephone 01778 345857 or 01733 322268.
BINGO at the village hall, Morton, near Bourne, every Monday night from 7.30 pm. Everyone welcome.

BINGO at the village hall, Twenty, near Bourne, every other Wednesday from 7.30 pm. Everyone welcome.

BINGO every other Thursday at Meadow Close Community Centre, Bourne, beginning at 7.30 pm. For more information telephone Brenda on 0771 2199050.

BOURNE ABBEY MOTHER & TODDLERS GROUP meets every Wednesday morning 9.30 am until 11.30 am (term time only) in the Abbey Church hall, Church Walk, Bourne. All welcome, pre-school age, including grandparents, aunties etc. Cost is £1.50 per sessions for family, continuous refreshments included.
BOURNE BASKETBALL CLUB meets at the leisure centre in Queen's Road, Bourne, every Thursday from 5.30 to 6.30 pm. Players of all abilities and basketball experience are welcome from age 14 plus. The cost is £2.50 per session. For more information about the club please contact Lucy Willets, Basketball Development Officer on 01522 585580 or email.
BOURNE & DISTRICT AMATEUR RADIO SOCIETY meets at 7.30 pm on the second Tuesday of each month at the Fire Station in South Street. You may obtain more information by emailing Bill Cooper (G4WJM) or telephone 01778 424517.
BOURNE AND DISTRICT ART SOCIETY meets every Thursday at Wake House, North Street, Bourne, from 10.30 am until 4 pm. Contact Betty on 01778 394842 for more information.
BOURNE ARTHRITIS SUPPORT GROUP meets on the first Thursday of each month at the Meadow Close Community Centre at 2 pm. Everyone interested is welcome to attend.
BOURNE ABBOTS PETANQUE CLUB meets at the Abbey Lawn in Abbey Road on Wednesdays and Sundays at 2 pm. You may obtain further details about the game and our activities by telephoning 01778 394083 or email.
BOURNE BADMINTON CLUB welcomes new members, both adults and children of secondary school age. We play at Bourne Leisure Centre on Friday nights between 7.30 p m and 9.30 p m from September to May. For more details telephone Julian Cooke at Bourne on 01778 423994 or you may e-mail him.
BOURNE BLIND AND PARTIALLY SIGHTED CLUB meets every Wednesday except the first Wednesday of the month at Manor Court, West Street, Bourne, at 2 pm. We are a very happy and friendly group and there is plenty of chat and many outings and other attractions. Transport is available. Telephone Anne Grimes on 01778 421720 for more information.
BOURNE BORDERERS mixed Morris dancers welcome new dancers and musicians to the village hall at Edenham, near Bourne, where they meet each Wednesday at 8 pm. Telephone Janet (01778 346236) for more details and see Bourne Links for web site.
BOURNE BREATHE EASY offers support to those suffering from respiratory complaints and their families and meets on the second Monday of each month at the Meadow Close Community Centre between 2 pm and 3.30 pm.
BOURNE BRIDGE CLUB  meets at the Masonic Hall in Roman Bank at 7 pm on Thursdays every week when Duplicate Bridge is played in a friendly atmosphere. All players or improvers are welcome. For further information contact Dorothy Alexander on 01778 423313 or Peter Birch on 01778 420278.
BOURNE CHORAL SOCIETY rehearses on Monday evenings at the Abbey Church, 7.30 pm until 9 pm during the school term. We have around 30 members and enthusiasm is unbounded but new members are always welcome. Anyone interested in joining is invited to turn up on a Monday night to sing or, for further information, can telephone 01778 393877.
BOURNE GIRLS' BRIGADE COMPANY meets at the Methodist Church hall in Abbey Road, Bourne, on Thursday evenings from 5.30 pm. All girls aged 5+ are welcome. For further details please contact Kath Worsey by telephoning 01778 423729 or email.
BOURNE JUDO CLUB meets on Wednesday evenings at the Darby and Joan hall in South Street, Bourne. There are currently 40 members whose ages range from six to 60 and all are welcome to join. The cost is £1.50 per session.
BOURNE LADIES KEEP FIT (KFA) GROUP meets every Thursday 7.30 pm until 8.30 pm at the Methodist Church hall in Abbey Road, Bourne, for exercise, aerobic and fitness dance. No experience necessary. Cost £3 per week for members, £4.50 for non-members. All ladies welcome. For more information please call Janet on 07730 223557.
BOURNE MARKET STALL is held on the last Thursday of each month throughout the year and will be selling various items including bric-a-brac, cakes, preserves, books, CDs, videos, DVDs and anything else that is brought in (but no used clothing, please). All proceeds for the Abbey Church Restoration Fund. For further information and the donation of items contact Philip Pettitt on 01778 422823.
BOURNE METHODIST CHURCH SOCIAL CLUB meets for games and dancing every Thursday from 2pm until 4.30 pm at the Methodist Church Hall in Abbey Road, Bourne.
BOURNE MOTOR RACING CLUB meets every second Thursday at the Corn Exchange, Bourne, at 8 pm. Everyone is welcome. Entrance fee £2. Regular guest speakers from all areas of motor sport. The club is always ready to welcome new members and if you are looking for a way to fill the coming winter evenings and are keen on any aspect of motor sport, then please come along and join us and find out what the club has to offer. For more information, see Bourne Links for our web site or telephone 07885 152478.
BOURNE NETBALL CLUB meets at Bourne Grammar School in South Road, Bourne, every Thursday night offering training and competitive opportunities for netballers of all ages and abilities. Sessions at the following times: 6 pm until 7 pm (ages 7-11), 7 pm until 8 pm (ages 12-15), 8 pm until 9 pm (ages 16 plus). The club is always looking for volunteers who will take on committee and coaching positions. Full training will be provided. To register or for more details please contact: Joe Capon on 07940 937 034 or 01522 585580 or email.
BOURNE RUGBY CLUB trains and plays at Milking Nook Drove, off Spalding Road, Bourne. The game is open to boys and girls and no experience is necessary. We need more players in most age groups to train and play on Sunday mornings. Juniors train on Thursday evenings and play matches on Sunday mornings. Seniors train on Wednesday evenings and play matches on Saturday afternoons. Qualified coaches run the training sessions. On Sunday mornings the kitchen serves tea, coffee, bacon rolls etc. from around 10 a m and the club bar opens from 12 midday for members (including parents of members of the mini/junior section). For more information see Bourne Links for the club web site, telephone Stuart Gray on 07785 950399 or just go along to the clubhouse.
BOURNE SCRABBLE CLUB meets at the Methodist Church Hall, Bourne, every Tuesday night at 7 pm. There are a cross-section of players, both male and female, and this is a friendly and social occasion. Tea, coffee and biscuits are served and anyone wanting to play is most welcome. Contact Betty Benton on 01780 425234 or just go along any Tuesday evening.
1st BOURNE SHIPPON SCOUTS provide scouting activities for young people between the ages of 10 and 14. We meet on Friday nights at the Shippon barn on the edge of the Wellhead Gardens, Bourne, at 7 pm. We are always looking for activities the scouts can undertake and seeking people prepared to volunteer some time as an adult leader or to do demonstrations to the scouts on their area of expertise. For more information please email the scout leader, Mark Tupholme.
BOURNE TWINNING ASSOCIATION welcomes new members. Anyone interested in joining this very lively group should contact the the chairman, Mrs Joyce Turner, by email. The association now has more than 70 members and exchanges regular visits with our twin town, Doudeville in Northern France.
BOURNE U3A meets at the Corn Exchange, Bourne, on the third Monday of each month at 2.15 pm. For more information about what's on and how to join, telephone 0845 519 1385 or simply go along to one of the monthly meetings where you will be made very welcome. See Bourne Links for web site.
BOURNE WEA READERS GROUP are looking for more members. If you are interested in reading, broadening your horizons and meeting new people, please contact Linda Harris on 01778 393127 or 07733323371 for more details.
Club logo

BOURNE YOUTH CENTRE has now been taken over by NOT ALL BAD who are currently running activities for children. They are:
Junior Youth Club
(Tuesday 6:30 - 8:30 pm. Subscription £1),
Senior Youth Club
(Thursday 7 - 9:30 pm. Subscription £1).
Netball @ Bourne
(Tuesday 5 - 6:30 pm. Subscription £2.).
Back to Netball club for 14+ on Thursday evenings 6 pm - 7 pm.
NOTE; We also hire out rooms, various sizes and at a very low rate per hour.

BOURNE YOUTH MOVES meets every Tuesday (during term time) 5 pm until 6 pm at the Abbey Church hall in Church Walk, Bourne. A fun and lively exercise and creative movement group for children aged 7-11 years. Part of the national organisation endorsed by Sports England. Costs £2 per week plus a small annual membership. Fully qualified and CRB checked teacher(s). For details call Janet on 07730 223557.

THE CAMEO CLUB for the over-sixties meets every Thursday at the Salvation Army hall in Manning Road, Bourne, at 2.30 pm.

CARPET BOWLS youth sessions at the village hall Langtoft, near Bourne, every Friday from 6.15 pm until 7.15 pm. Under 16s can attend free. Adult session until 10.15 pm.
COFFEE AND LUNCHES every Thursday at the Methodist Church hall in Abbey Road, Bourne, (entrance from the Burghley Street car park). Coffee is served from 9.30 am until 12 noon and lunches from then until 1 pm on Saturdays, coffee is served from 9.30 am until 12 noon.

COFFEE MORNINGS are held at Digby Court, off North Road, Bourne, every Wednesday morning from 10.30 am until 12 noon. Admission is 50p and includes coffee and biscuits.

COFFEE MORNINGS are held at the Meadow Close Community Centre in Bourne every Tuesday morning at 10 am. Everyone is welcome to join us for coffee/tea and biscuits for 30p and lots of good company.

DANCE AND DRAMA FOR THE DISABLED at Wake House, North Street, Bourne, on Saturday mornings, 10.30 am until noon. Contact Helen Powell on 01778 421042 for more information.
FIRST FRIDAY MUSIC ACOUSTIC - Neil and Dean are returning to the old stomping ground, the Wishing Well at Dyke, near Bourne, (open all day) every first Friday offering the same welcoming atmosphere to musicians/singers/poets and all who enjoy a good social evening. The fantasmagorical raffle will also reappear and new events are to be anticipated. We hope that you will come along and support us help preserve live unplugged music in Bourne. There are no strangers, just friends you have yet to meet. Remember the place is the Wishing Well Inn, Main street, Dyke, north of Bourne on the A15. Telephone 01778 422970. Contact for mailing list telephone 01778-393071 or email.
FOURTH FRIDAY MUSIC at which musicians, singers and poets are welcome in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere at the Wishing Well, Dyke, near Bourne. Every fourth Friday at 8 pm.
FRIENDS OF THE RED CROSS meet at the Red Cross hall in Harrington Street, Bourne, on the last Tuesday of each month from 2.30 pm until 4 pm.
HACONBY HARE TRADITIONAL MUSIC SESSION is held every third Monday in the month at 8 pm at the Hare and Hounds public house at Haconby, three miles north of Bourne, PE10 0UZ. Just cracking good mainly English music on instruments like fiddle, flute, melodeon and hammered dulcimer. Admission free, all welcome to join in or just come and listen. If you play, some music available. More details from Pete Shaw on 01778 571563 or email.  Also see Bourne Links for Peterborough and South Lincs Folk Diary.
A HANDFUL OF HARMONIES is ladies only choir intended to give women from 17 to 70+ the opportunity to share the joy of music with like minded people in a fun and creative environment. Weekly sessions under the instruction of an experienced British Voice Association registered teacher are held on Monday evenings at the Red Hall, Bourne, and on Friday evenings at the village hall, Langtoft, from 7.30 pm to 9.00 pm. More information from Andrew, the choir's director, on 01778 345857 or see their web site.
KEEP FIT "Body Moves" Exercise, Movement & Dance Class, every Thursday at the Methodist Church hall off Abbey Road 7.30 pm until 8.30 pm. Call Janet on 07929 734606 for more details.
KNIT & SEW FRIENDSHIP GROUP meets in the Abbey Church hall, Church Walk, every Wednesday afternoon at 2 pm. If you feel you want to join us please come along and if you cannot get to our meetings, are housebound or in residential care, let us know and we will supply needles, wool and patterns. For more information contact Rosie Cudmore at the church office or telephone 01778 424584.
MAD IN SK - Making a Difference in South Kesteven means volunteering opportunities for young people aged 16-25 years old. So are you ready for a challenge? Want to get involved? Feel like doing a favour? Need some experience? Want to try something difference? There are opportunities to gain awards, qualifications as well as having fun and making friends. Call at Bourne Youth Centre which is open every Tuesday night from 6.30 pm until 9 pm or telephone phone 01476 563863 or email.
MONDAY LUNCH CLUB meets every Monday in the Abbey Church hall, Church Walk, Bourne, 12 pm until 2 pm. Enjoy home cooked food in friendly surroundings, menu changes weekly. Main course £3, dessert £1, tea/coffee 25p. Telephone Alison Pettitt on 01778 422832. Proceeds for the Abbey Church Restoration Fund.

MUSICAL MINIS is number one for music groups held during term time at Morton and Bourne for learning and funeach structured session designed to help your child be (1) a skilful communicator by developing language and co-ordination (2) emotionally developed through sharing stories and songs whilst meeting new friends (3) a confident child by joining in the activities in a relaxed group atmosphere and (4) a creative child by letting the children explore the instruments, sounds, rhythm and movement. For more information see Bourne Links for our web site or you can email or telephone Janie on 01778 570340.

NUBOURNE WOMENS' INSTITUTE meets at the Corn Exchange, Bourne, on the first Monday of each month (except on bank holidays).
PETERBOROUGH & STAMFORD ANTHROPOSOPHICAL GROUP will meet on the first Tuesday of the month (7.30 to 9 pm) from 4th June 2013. Anyone interested in studying the works of Rudolph Steiner are welcome. Please telephone Deb on 01780 763067 or Valery on 0759 941961 for further details.

THE POACHERS SUPPER CLUB is a sociable and friendly organisation meets on the third Thursday of each month at the Angel Hotel, Bourne. The meal is usually followed by a talk, sometimes with slides, on all subjects ranging from antiques, pastimes and hobbies, local and national places of interest etc. Sometimes the talks are replaced by a quiz or other kind of entertainment. Membership is drawn from Bourne and its surrounding area and new members are always welcome and age is immaterial. Single people or partnerships. Come along and try us out before you decide if you would like to become a member. For further information and booking arrangements contact Val Palmer on 01778 394998 or email.

THE POETRY READING GROUP is a non-academic meeting place for people who like to ready poetry. Bring a book of your own poetry if you wish to 2 Exeter Gardens, Bourne, on the second Wednesday of every month at 2.30 pm and 7.30 pm. Telephone Hugh on 01778 423692 for more information or drop in for a chat and a cuppa..
PRE-SCHOOL MUSIC CLASSES at Wake House, North Street, Bourne. Jolly Babies (0-1 year), Music with Mummy (1-3 years) and Three Four Time (3-4 years) are fun music sessions which include traditional and new songs There is also a wide range of musical instruments for the children to explore. Classes run throughout the morning on Wednesdays, so call Mary Harrison for more information and to book your places 0152 9497131 or email.

QUIZ NIGHT at the Nag's Head, Bourne, every Monday night beginning at 8 pm. Entry fee is £1 per person, maximum four per team. Prizes plus donations for charity. For more information telephone 01778 393644.

PETERBOROUGH & SOUTH LINCS FOLK DIARY is a free list of what's going on in the area covering songs (folk clubs, singarounds, concerts and open mic evenings), music (sessions and concerts), social dancing (ceilidhs, barn dances, French dancing, Irish set dancing, Scottish dancing, English country dancing and Playford, team dancing (morris, clog, longsword, rapper sword, molly and Appalachian), displays to watch or learning sessions, folk festivals (folk on the radio). Only available through our web site. Please email any new events, changes to or telephone 01778 571563.
THE R A O B CLUB in Burghley Street, Bourne, is open on Sundays at noon with bingo on Mondays from 8 pm and a social night on Fridays.
RIPPINGALE & DISTRICT GARDENING CLUB meets every second Wednesday of the month from March to December in the village hall at Rippingale, near Bourne, for a 7.30 pm start, except for the months of May to August when garden visits are arranged. For further information telephone Mrs M Ayres on 01778 440610.
ROSEMARY CONLEY DIET AND FITNESS at the Robert Manning Technology College every Tuesday night 5.45 pm to 7.00 pm and 7.15 pm to 8.45 pm. A weekly diet and fitness class with a very friendly atmosphere, a diet that really works and the exercises are fun to do. This is an enjoyable and sociable way to lose weight alongside other people who appreciate exactly how you feel. The class starts with a 35 minute weigh in and individual consultations. There is then 5-10 minutes talk followed by 45 minutes of exercise suitable for everyone, whatever fitness level or size. Wear something comfortable and non-restricting. The only crucial thing is that you wear trainers to protect your feet. Please bring an exercise mat or a towel for the floor work. Membership costs just £10 and each class costs £5.00 Contact Judi Brown by telephoning 01780 763338.
THE ROYAL BRITISH LEGION (Bourne branch) holds its monthly meetings on the first Wednesday of each month at the British Legion headquarters in Burghley Street, Bourne, at 7.30 pm. Any member of the Legion may attend.

THE ROYAL BRITISH LEGION (Women's Section Bourne branch) meets on the third Wednesday of each month in the dining room at the Butterfield Centre, North Road, Bourne, from 2 pm onwards. Anyone interested in joining is welcome to go along. Membership is open to all ladies with an interest in the work of the Legion and there are many social events to enjoy. After the business there is always an interesting speaker or activity. See Bourne Links for contact.

THE ROYAL NAVAL ASSOCIATION (Bourne branch) meets on the second Wednesday of every month in the Red Cross Hall, Harrington Street, Bourne, at 2 pm. Membership is open to both serving and ex serving Royal Navy or Merchant Navy personnel but also to any serving or ex service personnel from other branches of the armed forces. A warm welcome awaits anyone wishing to join this friendly group of shipmates. Contact the branch secretary on 01780 753787 for further information or email.

THE SALVATION ARMY holds a coffee morning on the last Saturday of each month from 10 am until 12 noon at the hall in Manning Road hall, Bourne. Toasted sandwiches, teacakes and baps and among he refreshments on offer with various stalls offering bric-a-brac, books and videos. All proceeds to the Bourne Corps.
SHORT MAT BOWLS at the Abbey Church Hall, Church Walk, Bourne, every Friday evening. Bowls supplied but flat shoes essential. This is a social and family occasion for anyone interested in playing bowls. Weekly sessions cost £2 per adult and children are free. More information from Robert Kitchener  on 01778 421891.
SUPPLE STRENGTH CLASSES are held every Thursday in the village hall at Edenham, near Bourne, at 6.30 pm. A wonderful mind and body workout blending elements of yoga, pilates and body conditioning. A perfect 60-minute package for working on strength and tone, posture, core stability and self confidence. Suits complete beginners as well as regular practitioners and can be enjoyed by people of all ages and fitness levels. The fee is £3 per class. No enrolment fee. More information from 07976 818995.
TOOLBAR meets every Monday morning from 10.30 to noon (except Bank Holidays) at the Bourne Snooker Centre in Cherryholt Road, Bourne, to provide help, assistance and friendship for those who have become recently unemployed. Staffed by volunteers from a wide variety of backgrounds, the volunteers are there to help you with CVs, interview techniques and other resources designed to help you get back into work. Both men and women are welcome and you will get free coffee, a game of pool or snooker and the chance to relax with other folks who are similarly unemployed through the economic downturn. Please note that TOOLBAR is not a job agency nor a job centre and does not provide help for the long term unemployed. See also our web site.
WALKING FOR HEALTH in and around Bourne with Heartbeat Kesteven. We leave at 2 pm sharp every Wednesday afternoon and two Saturdays a month. Contact Kate Holey, Walks Officer, by telephoning 01476 406157 or email for brochure and further details.
WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE: Wondering how you are going to fit into those new clothes in your wardrobe? So now discover a fun way to do just that and manage your weight through support from your own personal coach. Education on nutrition and eating well for long term weight management. Opportunities to meet like minded people every week, inspiration in a fun environment to achieve healthy results. Join the Weight Loss Challenge for £25 for a 12-week course to gain the knowledge and confidence to achieve healthy lasting weight loss well beyond these 12 weeks. It is challenge because you could even win a cash prize if you are one of the top achievers in your Weight Loss Challenge. Classes held in the Windmill Room at Wake House, Bourne. Contact Karen on 01778 571785 or 07951 081259 to register and find out more.
WEIGHT WATCHERS CLASSES are held each week at the Corn Exchange, Bourne, on Wednesday evenings at 6 pm and Thursday evenings at 7 pm. A great way to lose weight with a new and very exciting eating plan. Everyone is welcome to come along.

WHIST DRIVE at the village hall, Twenty, near Bourne, every Saturday 7.30 pm until 10.30 pm. Everyone welcome.

WOOD GRANGE DAY SERVICES, West Road, Bourne10.30 am to 3.30 pm. Enjoy a coffee and chat over the newspapers followed by a three-course lunch with aperitif.  Join in a range of activities, outings, live entertainments and other coffee and quiz mornings throughout the month. Telephone 01778 424010 or call in for more information

WOOD GRANGE LUNCHEON CLUB, West Road, Bourne, 12 noon until 2.30 pm. Come and enjoy good company over a three-course lunch with aperitif and a range of planned activities. Telephone 01778 424010 or call in for more information.

YOGA CLASSES (HATHA) are held in the village halls at Braceborough, near Bourne, on Tuesdays, and at Carlby on Thursdays, from 6.45 pm until 8.15 pm. Admission is £7 per class, please bring a mat and blanket or warm layers. Suitable for all ages and levels, centring time, breathing, physical postures, balance, and relaxation. British School of Yoga and Independent Yoga Network registered. More information from Laura Goodliffe on 07765 939903.

Sessions are held at Wake House in North Street, Bourne, every Thursday from 10 am until 1 pm, providing independent and impartial advice to everyone regardless of race, sex, disability or sexuality. Consultations are free and confidential. 

provides free coaching for beginners at the Abbey Lawn greens in Bourne every Saturday morning from 9.50 am until 12 noon throughout the summer months. Anyone who wishes to take up the game or find out more about it will be welcome. Further details from
Tony Brooks on 01778 426089 or Kate Exton on 01778 423338.

Junior After School Club every weekday night 4 pm until 5 pm and 5 pm until 6 pm and at weekends 10 am until 11 am and 11 am until 12 noon. Five week course covering iron, driving, chipping, putting and rules/etiquette with certificates of achievement in every category and four levels of ability to pass. Available to 3yrs + .
For more information please call Darren Game on 01778 383322 or email.

If you are 20 years old or over, employed or seeking employment and have less than a full NVQ 2 or five GCSEs, we can provide FREE information and advice on qualifications, funding and help in finding the right job for you.

8 Millfield Road, Donington, Spalding, Lincolnshire
Telephone: 01775 822192 or 01780 767602
Email or see our web site.

at Edenham, near Bourne
More information or to make a booking contact the Warden, the Rev Andrew Hawes, Edenham Regional House, Church Lane, Edenham, Bourne, Lincolnshire PE10 0LS, telephone 01778 591358 or email.

are offered by CICT Training to the community of Bourne. Courses are run from Bourne Library every Wednesday between 9 am and 4 pm. You can work towards a GCSE Grade A* - C, or equivalent nationally recognised qualification. Refreshments are provided throughout the day and you may attend just morning or afternoon if you wish. We are enrolling throughout the year so call now to book your place. For more information call Andrew on 07786 625253 or our main office on 01522 880330. We look forward to hearing from you.

THURLBY TIGERS FOOTBALL CLUB is an FA Charter Standard Sunday league team with FA Level 1/2 qualified coaches and playing in the Peterborough Junior Alliance Football League. We are currently seeking to strengthen the squad with experienced players from school Year 6 (under 11s). The team is based is based at Lawrance Park, Thurlby, near Bourne, and trains on Monday evenings and we invite interested boys and girls down for a trial with a view to joining the squad. Contact Cliff Gillis on 07920 752650.

Courses are held throughout the autumn and winter months at the Red Hall, Bourne, on a variety of subjects commencing September. Subjects include modern art, poetry and the monarchy. For further details please telephone Christine Pickering on 01778 440760.

Announcements from clubs & organisations

THE ARMY CADET FORCE detachment in Bourne (Queen's Royal Lancers) is in need of projects in which the cadets can participate to achieve their Cadet in the Community Award. I am also seeking volunteers to help in the running of the detachment, previous military experience is not necessary, just a sense of humour and a willingness to put in two hours a week. We are also welcoming new recruits between the ages of 12, provided they are in Year 8, and 18¾. Uniforms are provided, except boots. Please email Paul Green, Detachment Commander.
BOURNE TOWN HARRIERS are seeking new members. Our local running club can offer a varied schedule of road races between October and March, cross country meetings at county, regional and national level, track and field meetings and all year round training sessions. We are affiliated to the North of England Athletic Association and membership costs £16 for seniors over 18 years old, £10 for juniors. If you are interested in joining, telephone Peter Honniball on 01778 440701, Dave Grace on 01778 421969 or Richard Pearson on 01778 424721.  For more information, click here and go to our web site.


NEW PLAYERS are currently needed to join the Under-Eights team for the forthcoming season. Players must be no older than seven on or before August 31st but both boys and girls may apply to join the team. Email Steve Ward for more details.

THE UNDER-14 (B team) is currently in the Top Three of the Grantham League but needs a manager to run the team next season. This is an exciting opportunity for someone to become involved with a great bunch of lads and the junior football club. The position will be filled by someone who is most of all enthusiastic. FA coaching courses will be made available together with excellent help and co-operation from the committee. Please email for further details.

THE UNDER NINES are also looking for new players. If anyone would like to come to one of our training sessions, please telephone Kevin Bellairs at 01780 410342 or email. 

BOURNE TOWN GIRLS FOOTBALL CLUB promotes soccer for girls in the area from Year 4 to Year 8. Winter training sessions are held on Thursdays from 6 pm until 7 pm at the tennis court area adjoining Bourne Leisure Centre in Queen's Road, Bourne. More information by telephoning Julie on 01778 424341.
BOURNE BASED R&B BAND seeks drums, brass and keys to join guitar and upright bass to form authentic BB King/ R&B style outfit. Please email for more details.
EVERGREEN CARE TRUST, BOURNE helps our elderly and vulnerable citizens enjoy a happy and productive life. The office is at Wake House, North Street, and is open mornings between 9.30 am and 1 pm. Extra help is always needed either as paid home support workers or volunteers. Please contact Ann Hewitt on 01778 421449.
GENERATION GAP is a local function band playing rock and pop from the 1960's to the present day and we are looking for local venues. Please contact Chris Wright. Our next engagement is at the Royal Oak, Duddington, on February 24th.


Katsu Academy of Shotokan Karate International: Come and join our friendly group to learn the traditional art of karate. Develop your self-confidence, fitness, stamina, flexibility and learn self defence. Open to ladies and gentlemen of all abilities. Beginners are welcome (children from age 6) and adult beginners especially welcome. Why not join our four week beginner course? WE MEET At Bourne Abbey Church Hall, off South Street

Wednesdays 7pm - 8pm     Saturdays 2pm - 3pm

Contact Martin Gadd by telephone on 01778 426990 or email


FAST AND EFFECTIVE martial arts for real self defence. All over 14s welcome to our classes as under:
Thursdays 9 pm - Deepings Leisure Centre
Sundays 9:30 am - Deeping St James Scout Hut
Mondays 9 pm - Castle Sports Complex, Spalding

NEW CLASSES: Jujitsu 10 week beginners' course for adults begins March 11th at the Deepings Leisure Centre and March 15th at the Castle Sports Complex, Spalding.

For more information, email or telephone Paul or Lesley on 01778 342532.

Helping young families under stress

IF YOU KNOW about being a parent and can volunteer at least one hour each week to help a family in your area, we are looking for new volunteers. You can either visit a family in their own home, offering them support during difficult times, or help at our family groups in Deeping or Stamford, where the emphasis is on playing with children. A training course will run before Easter, all expenses paid. If you would like to find out more about Home-Start South-West Lincolnshire please phone Pat on 01780 752983.


VOLUNTEERS are welcome to assist with the maintenance of our local nature reserves. More details of when and where and what is required can be found by contacting Dave Vandome on 01778 423362.

OCCASIONAL BRASS is a local brass band based in Bourne and playing for charitable and other worthwhile causes with engagements in and around the town and outside, as far away as Heckington, Swaton and Skegness. Any brass or woodwind players who would like to join us are asked to contact Roger Bunting by telephone on 07971 457746 or email and anyone who would like to book the band for an engagement should use the same contacts.


THIS IS A REGISTERED CHARITY since 1991 enabling people to volunteer by providing an advice and placement service. So if you are considering doing voluntary work and do not know where to start please contact us for a chat. Strong working partnerships have been developed with 150 local organisations working in the Stamford, Bourne and the Deepings area and over 1,000 people have been helped to find voluntary work through the 300 opportunities these provide. Supporting organisations in providing best practice when working with volunteers and assisting them to deliver their services. We also have an in-house project called Fresh Start which works one-to-one with people looking to gain employment or further training. Contact Rebecca or Rob on 01780 766446 or or email

Stamford Volunteer Bureau, Room 11, 2 St Mary's Hill, Stamford, Lincolnshire PE9 2DR.
Telephone: 01780 765013 - Fax 01780 761933 - email [email protected]
Manager Rosie Maclennan, Assistant Manager Debra Hunt

Community Car Scheme

Providing affordable transport to elderly, frail and disabled people in Stamford, Bourne and the Deepings area. Contact Claire Coles on 01780 482380 or email


The unit meets every Tuesday night at the headquarters in St Peter's Road between 6.30 pm and 10 pm. We are currently seeking new uniform and non uniform members including cadets (10-17 years old) and adult members.
Cadets: Being a cadet is all about fun, adventure and feeling part of a community. Guided by youth leaders, cadets take part in an interactive and full programme, working towards their Grand Prior Award. The programme enables young people to learn important life skills in a fun and safe environment, but with challenge and excitement appropriate to their age. Cadets can choose from over seventy different subjects to help complete their award ranging from fire prevention and photography to sports and first aid and can also undertake the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme from the age of fourteen years. Younger cadets learn first aid skills through our training course for young people while older cadets can undertake a community first aid or first aid at work course. Cadets can put their first aid and other communication skills into practice by providing first aid to the public at events or teaching first aid to other young people and adults.
Adult members: Volunteers are the key to our success. Come and join us and make a difference. Learn new life skills, become involved in an active social environment. Become a first aid volunteer, help as a youth leader or we would just welcome your support as a uniform our non-uniform member. It is just nice to make a difference.
The next step - telephone Michael for further information about joining as a cadet or an adult on 07739 796771.


is locally based although walks are normally outside the immediate area with an emphasis on the Peak District. Several times a year we go further afield with weekends away and at Easter, a trip to the Lake District is normally arranged. Walk distances are generally between eight and 14 miles and are programmed on a Sunday on a fortnightly basis. On walk days, members meet at points in Peterborough and Stamford so that the minimum number of cars are used for transport. The membership of the club comprises a range of walkers of all ages and abilities from the experienced through to those that have taken up walking for the first time. A number of social events are arranged throughout the year such as ten-pin-bowling, barbecues, curry and beer night and an annual meal. You can find out more about The Walking Club by looking at our web site. We welcome new members and so if you want to get out into the fresh air and have some exercise then please get in touch via the website or email

Information required

GALLERIES IN CHURCHES: From about 1700 to the mid 1800s it was normal that every church, and many chapels, had a wooden gallery built at the west end of the church for the use of a small choir or quire of parishioners, singers and sometimes instruments as well. The singing was called Psalmody then, West Gallery now. I am a member of the local Greenwood Quire whose web site has a photograph of the gallery in St Andrew's Church, Haconby. We hear that the gallery in Kirkby Underwood lasted until the 1870s. Morton church records show a payment for building a gallery in the 1760s. None of them are there now. Does anyone know of any other proof of galleries, or of instruments such as violin, flute and clarinet used for church services, or the music sung then? If so, please email  Pete Shaw or telephone 01778 571563.
HAULIERS AND THEIR LORRIES OF PAST TIMES: I am seeking information about local hauliers operating in the 1940s-60s, especially a company based at Carlby, near Bourne, known as Templemans Haulage. Pictures or photographs of any lorries from this firm would be particularly welcome. Please email Kelvin Allen at Cuckoo Bridge Farm, Cuckoo Bridge, Spalding, Lincolnshire.
SEEKING INFORMATION about the death of Sergeant Ralph Hilton Credland, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, who was killed while serving with 20 Operational Training Unit on 28th January 1943, when he and the rest of the crew ditched their Wellington bomber in the Moray Firth. All that was found was an empty dinghy. I understand that there is a private memorial in St.Andrew's Church, Billingborough, near Bourne, and I wondered if there is a photo of this memorial available and perhaps a photograph of Sergeant Credland and whether he has any relatives left in the area. - please email Linda Ibrom, Heacham, Norfolk, England.
THE RED BERETS IN BOURNE: I am appealing for any items concerning the 1st Allied Airborne (Paratroopers) who were based in and around Bourne during the latter stages of World War Two. I am also interested in any photographs of individual soldiers (named or not) or possibly photographs of the troops during their stay either in Bourne, or at their headquarters at the time, Grimsthorpe Park. If you have anything relating to this unit, no matter how trivial, I would very much like to hear from you. - Gary Jucha, Peterborough.
No 72 NORTH STREET BOURNE: Can anyone please tell me where (if at all) I might find the history (excluding census returns) of a building to the left of the Royal Oak public house in North Street? I am particularly interested in when it was built, what it was used for and who might have lived there before1880. Please email Lynn Musselwhite, Great Coates, North East Lincolnshire.
ASLACKBY IN PAST TIMES: My ancestors lived at Aslackby, near Bourne, leaving in 1872 and emigrating to Australia. I am about to publish a family history of Temple Ball and his wife Sara Ann (nee Pell) and their family and am seeking further  information, particularly old photographs of the village for inclusion in the book. My great great grandfather and his father before him used to work at Temple Farm. Any help would be appreciated. I have visited Aslackby twice, in 2003 and 2005. Ted Ball, 20 Davies Drive, Shepparton East, Victoria, Australia 3631 or email.
PHYSICAL TRAINING DURING WORLD WAR TWO: I am researching physical training, or PT, as taught during World War Two from 1939-45. The areas that interest me especially are boxing, wrestling and unarmed combat. I have seen some of the written training material of the time but would like to speak with anyone who either underwent the training or was an instructor. I know that some subjects were not covered in all areas but unarmed combat, for instance, was part of the normal training in the regular army, the Home Guard, the auxiliary services and the more specialised units. If anyone has any information then please email James Farthing
WHO WAS THE ARTIST C KILBON?: I am a member of a ladies darts team and also a horse lover and while playing at a pub in Wisbech recently, I noticed a pencil drawing on the wall of horses, framed and signed C Kilbon. Any information about the artist would be most welcome. Please email Rita Mellor or write to me at Providence Place, 29 West Drove North, Gedney Hill, Spalding, Lincolnshire PE12 0NT.
TRANSPORT AND HAULAGE IN BOURNE: I am gathering information on haulage and transport companies in the Bourne area and would be interested in receiving documents and photographs relating to the subject. At present, I have four displays of Lincolnshire related transport and industrial models in three museums in the county and am anxious to extend my knowledge of the subject. I am also seeking old Lincolnshire motoring and industrial advertisements and posters to feature in my displays in museums and at weekend shows. Please email Harold Abbott or write to 1 Pennells Cotts, Newark Road, South Hykeham, Lincoln LN6 9NH. All material will be cared for and returned.
THE ARDENS OF MORTON: Last July, as I passed through Morton, near Bourne, I saw a notice that there was a family history and local history exhibition taking place on that very day. My family are the Ardens and they are commemorated in the east window of Morton village church. I had an appointment and could not stop to visit the exhibition but would like to know if another such event is planned for 2005 or who could I contact that might have some knowledge of the Ardens? Any help gratefully received. Valerie Nourish, Laburnum Cottage, Foston, Derbyshire DE65 5PX or email.
WE ARE SEEKING EVIDENCE OF GHOSTS and would like to know of any recent or historic hauntings, apparitions or paranormal activity, in or around the Bourne area. If you have any evidence, the East Midlands Paranormal Research Group would love to hear from you. We treat all reports and investigations with the strictest respect and confidentiality. Please do get in touch by emailing Bob Johns.
A HOUSE WITH HISTORY: We are hoping to move into the area and would like to know if anyone has any history on the house at No 76 Austerby, Bourne. Specifically we are interested in previous uses, owners and any history of ghosts. If you have any information please email. All messages will be answered. - Mark Welsh.
THE BOURNE RAILWAY ERA: I am planning to build a working model of the railway system in and around Bourne in past times and would be grateful for any information regarding the layout of Bourne station, the points, turntable, sheds and so on. Any ideas, maps, or similar material sent to my e-mail address will be most gratefully received or I would be prepared to collect, copy and return. - Mike Holden.
OLD PAINTING: I have a seascape painted by George Prior in 1917 and framed by John H Berry of South Street, Bourne. Can anyone please tell me more about the artist? R E Abbott, 3 Bank Close, Whittlesey, Cambridgeshire, PE7 1UN or email.
OLD RAILWAY PHOTOGRAPHS WANTED: I am interested in acquiring or copying photos of the Bourne to Sleaford railway, specifically any of the sidings which existed at Milthorpe, near Billingborough, prior to the 1960s railway cuts. My father was born at Milthorpe, as were several previous generations of his family, and though some photos of the era survive, none exist of the sidings. If anyone could help in this matter, I should be extremely grateful. All photos will be copied and returned immediately. Please email Sarah Line.
THE RED LION AT ASLACKBY: I am interested in what happened to the Red Lion at Aslackby. Some ancestors of mine kept it for 50 years until sometime in the1960s when I understand that it lost its licence, although I do not know the reason why. There does not seem to be a pub of that name in the village now so I assume it became a private house - but which one? Any information on this subject would be most welcome. Valerie Nourish, Laburnum Cottage, Foston, Derbyshire, England DE65 5PX or email.
THE BOURNE WAR MEMORIAL: I am writing a history of the war memorial in the Garden of Remembrance at Bourne and have managed to trace all from the First World War except three names. I would welcome any family or military details about them to complete my study. They are H Brightman,  J A Clare and C Hornsey. If you can help, please email Tony Stubbs with any information.
THE BOURNE-STORMERS RADIO MODEL CLUB meets somewhere in the locality and I am trying to find out where. I know they have a flying site at a field in Dyke Fen but there never seems to be anyone there. I would like to know if they hold club nights in town or elsewhere. If you can help, please contact me on 01778 422698 or email David Pell.
A HISTORY OF BOURNE: I am studying the late 12th century and am particularly interested in my home town of Bourne. Is there anyone out there who wishes to join me in researching this period of our history? I would like to find out more about the castle, the manors, the market and the trades in the town of past times. For example, the potteries were quite famous in their time but how many were there and where were they situated? Who lived at the castle? Who were the main feudal families? Where was the market held and when? What other industries were here? Were there any significant happenings from 1135-1216? If you are interested in such a project, please contact me and perhaps we can discover more from our town's past for all to enjoy. Email Terry Butcher.
MARKET DEEPING: I have lived in Market Deeping for 12 years and have recently moved into an old house in Towngate East called Towngate Farm and am anxious to trace its history. All I know so far is that it was empty for about ten years prior to renovations that began in about 1997. It was a working farm in the 1970s and 1980s but prior to that, I have little information about its use. My surveyor has suggested that the house was built around 1810 but that was an educated guess. I am going to Lincoln later this year to search the county archives but would love to hear from local historians who have come across either Towngate House or Towngate Farm in their researches. - Email Elisa Smith.

REMEMBER 'YES' - In the late 60's, early 70's I saw Progressive rock band 'Yes' playing one of their early dates in a marquee at Baston recreation ground. This was around the release of the 'Time and a Word' album. I recall that the support act were a local band called 'Ginger' who hailed from Stamford or possibly Bourne. Can anyone help me with the exact date, were you there? what was the show in aid of? If you have any information please email me.

30 WEST STREET, BOURNE: My wife and I moved to this house just over two years ago and are interested in learning something of the people and the families who have lived here before us. The most recent use of the property was as the Beaufort House Hotel. Through the good offices of Rex Needle we now know who built the house in 1872 and the history of that family. We would like to bring the story up to date and would be grateful to hear from anyone who can add some information on the people who lived here since then. Many thanks - Barry Parsisson.

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