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What they are saying about
the Bourne web site


Bourne Abbey


The constant high quality of Rex's photographs with the highly readable content of the web site makes this one of the best local web sites in the country, if not in the world.
Roy Dennis, Deeping St James, Lincolnshire, England.

Thanks for all you do with the web site Rex. It is still a wonderful facility for the town of Bourne that we should all be very proud of God bless.
Captain David Kinsey, Salvation Army, Bourne, Lincolnshire, England.

Your site is the best I've seen for Britain. Thank you so much.
Kathy McCullough, Roselle Park, New Jersey, USA.

You have done Bourne a great service with this website. Long may it continue.
Mike Thorne, Bourne, Lincolnshire, England.

Congratulations on a fantastic web site. It's a real pleasure to see someone so dedicated to their home town and a fantastic site compared to some of the terribly uninformative, content-lacking sites I usually come across. 
Rob Davis, editor of the magazine Lincolnshire Pride, England.

I must congratulate you and yours for creating such a beautiful web site that puts Bourne and the area in a very positive light and captures the fine details of the town that one may miss after having lived there for a while. The web site is also a great idea for keeping people in touch as well as being a very useful and informative source for both locals and non-locals. Good job! May your endeavours in discovering the treasures of the fens be fruitful.
Imad Ahmed (former Bourne Grammar School pupil 1996-2001), University of California, Berkeley, USA.

Congratulations on what I consider to be one of the finest, if not the finest, community web sites in the world. Keep up the great work.
Roger Los, Seattle, Washington, USA.

A wonderful site and a wonderful town. I saw a picture of Bourne in a magazine of 1969 and wanted to learn more.
Matthew Aamot, Bellingham, Washington State, USA.

What a brilliant site. Congratulations. It fulfils every requirement - informative, argumentative, attractive and not least, quick loading. It's great to find memories of childhood visits.
Ed Grummitt, Countesthorpe, Leicestershire, England.

Loved the site. Simple to use, informative and well designed.
Joe Draper, Barmouth, Gwynedd, Wales.

Congratulations on a terrific site. Your wonderfully detailed history and photographs are an enticement for a much longer stay. The history is fascinating.
Bron Houldsworth, Gold Coast, Australia.

Your web site is better than anything else. I always make it a rule to read your words and enjoy your wonderful pictures. The corrugated iron church at Pointon was particularly impressive to me. Tadato Shimono, Miyakonojo, Japan.

I must congratulate you on the presentation of this web site. It is a joy to me to log on and see the Picture of the Week and pick up bits of local news.
Roger Smith, Malaga, Spain.

Congratulations on a great web site about a lovely place. I know this because I visited the area a long time ago.
Leo Sayer, the pop star, London.

Brilliant! I moved here eight months ago. If I had seen your site earlier, I would have moved here much sooner. Keep up this excellent site!
Ellis Parker, Morton near Bourne, Lincolnshire.

Bourne should be proud of the web site you have created. It is obviously a labour of love. May you have many more years providing this town with a social conscience. You are doing a great job.
Commander Dennis Staff, retd., Ottawa, Canada.

I have visited many top web sites. Yours is right up with the best of them. Thank you for the magnificent time I spent on your site. I will be back again.
Adriano Zanelli, Quebec, Canada.

Bourne is a place that I know I would love to visit.
Laurette Lavine, Revelstoke, British Columbia, Canada.

The Bourne web site is a master work. My ancestors emigrated from the village of Aslackby to Canada in the 1840s and I was glued to your site for several hours reading about this region of Lincolnshire. The articles and photographs are excellent. It is a safe bet that you are delighting many hundreds of people around the world with this web site. Thank you very much.
James Bellamy, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada.

I was incredibly impressed with your web site and all it offered in the way of photos and education. You have done such an amazing job and I enjoyed this tour so very, very much. Thank you.
Judy Singer, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

I am researching my ancestors who came from parishes in the Bourne area during the 19th century and I was truly excited to see pictures of several of these parishes on your web site. Thank you for anticipating the interests of those of us who have ties with Bourne and Lincolnshire and your willingness to help others with roots there. Your site is indeed spectacular!
Phyllis Ray Belliveau, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada.

Many congratulations on your Golden Web Award. You deserve it. It lets people throughout the world know that we have a town to be proud of. Keep up the good work. We look forward to ready many more of your reports.
Dave & Marilyn, Bourne, Lincolnshire.

I have just been looking at your web site for the past two to three hours and I am hooked. I am very impressed. I look at a lot of web sites and this is one of the most user friendly that I have come across. There is so much information about Bourne, it history and the surrounding villages. Keep up the fantastic work.
Jonathon Fletcher, Stamford, Lincolnshire.

I would like to add my congratulations to you for an excellent web site. The information provides a reliable source of local history for our pupils and students. We shall be visiting regularly. Thank you.
Mrs. M Roberts, Librarian, the Robert Manning College, Bourne, Lincolnshire.

I have just spent the last two hours looking at your web site and I sat mesmerised at the wonderful descriptions from my home county, especially Bourne Woods where we used to pick bluebells. It is truly a wonderful site and you are to be commended for your dedication.
Winnie Nowak, Anchorage, Alaska

We loved the photographs of Dole Wood, but more than that, the narrative itself. The entire site is an object lesson in the beauty of which the English language is capable of in the right hands.
Dennis & Doreen Blue, Balaklava, South Australia

I am amazed at the content and quality of your work. I have the Bourne link on my homepage and many of my students see it each term on the big screen at the college library.
Larry Pearce, Mount Aloysius College, Cambria County, Pennsylvania, USA.

My wife and I have only lived in Bourne for just over two years but your excellent web site makes us feel that we know the town and the surrounding area so much better than if we had been left to our own devices. Congratulations on such a marvellous achievement.
Barry Parsisson, West Street, Bourne, Lincolnshire.

What you are doing with your web site is really important: a visual diarist for a locale and from someone with obvious integrity.
Marcus, Connecting People with Britain's Countryside

May I thank you, as I am sure many do, for publicising our lovely town and surrounding area. I think that many of our villages are equal to those in the Cotswolds, but without the crush.
Doug Dear, Bourne, Lincolnshire.

All I can say is Wow! I was just surfing the net and came across your Bourne site. I spent most of my childhood in Rippingale and spent three years at the grammar school before moving to Chicago. I now live in Los Angeles. It was wonderful to see the pictures and your excellent commentary. It really is an excellent site.
John & Angelie Blakey, Los Angeles, California, USA.

You have done Bourne proud with this site. It really does give loads of info and on my fifth visit I still haven't got through everything. And now you've added the forum. I shall no doubt have to respond to something on that - probably sooner rather than later! I even print the Diary pages - hope you don't mind - to read later and then send home to mum who isn't on the net! May the site run on, and on, and on . . .
Anne Emmett, Cambridge, England.

Keep up the good work on the web site. I never knew it existed before and this is a shame as I would have loved to look it up when I have been travelling or living abroad. Next time I go somewhere, I'll know I may not be able to get the Stamford Mercury but your site will provide me with a little bit of Bourne!
Beth Hiblin, Thurlby, near Bourne, Lincolnshire.

Congratulations on what to me is one of the most interesting web sites. I am probably one of the younger viewers of these pages, being only twenty years old, but I am astounded by the depth of work and research into a subject which is to me home. Although currently working in the South of France, my parents still live in Bourne and I will always have a soft spot for this place where I grew up. Keep up the good work.
Adam Palmer, Nice, France.

Congratulations! Your site is a great asset for Bourne. Well done and thanks!
Ralph Ashmore, Bourne, Lincolnshire.

I have been searching for a mention of Bourne on the Internet for some time and so it was great to see this site mentioned in the local newspaper. Keep up the campaigning against the traffic problems and overflowing recycling areas. These are all year round problems. Perhaps the council may notice one day!
Julian Cooke, Bourne, Lincolnshire.

Thanks for such an interesting web site. I very much enjoyed looking round it.
Tony, Spalding, Lincolnshire.

I visited your truly excellent Bourne web site today. Congratulations to you and your son for putting this part of South Lincolnshire on the world cyber map. Details of the site will be with the American half of my family tonight with instructions to learn as much as they can about the Bourne area before their visit at the end of March.
Patrick Watts, Bourne, Lincolnshire.

Just found your site. Very interesting and informative, especially when I've spent all my life in this area and I now realise how little I know of the locality under my feet.
Ian Hobling, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire.

I am amazed that someone has managed to produce a web site about the town of Bourne. But not only have you done this, you have also made it interesting and enlightening and I find I am learning new things about my home town. Excellent work.
S Potter, Bourne, Lincolnshire.

Well there goes my Friday morning. As many of your correspondents have said, I've learned more about the town I grew up in in the last few hours that I did in the 18 years I lived in the area. Well done! I'll be coming back to read the rest of it soon.
John Whitaker, The Hague, The Netherlands

I just wanted to drop you a line to say how much I enjoy the Bourne web site. I lived in Bourne for 18 years (1960-1978), attending both the primary and grammar schools and my parents and sister are still there. Knowing how much effort goes into a web site, particularly the task of regularly updating it, I congratulate you on your hard work.
Dr Steve Fleischer, University of Hong Kong.

My family moved to Bourne in 1985 and you could say it was the place where I grew up. It is quite ironic that I can find out more about the town now I do not live there, mainly down to the detailed and honest information on your site. Thank you for the great work, keeping me up to date as well as reminding me of some good times.
Phillip Hackney, Rotherham, North Yorkshire, England.

Although I live in England, to my shame I had never heard of Bourne and when I learned of your web-site address I had to find out something about the place. I would like to say how much I enjoyed my visit to Bourne and thank you for adding to my knowledge and for the truly lovely photographs.
Mary Anderson, Dorset, England.

Excellent web site, very impressive, terrific pictures.
Trevor Purser, Austerby, Bourne, Lincolnshire.

I have looked at your home pages and congratulations. You seem to have all the right elements in place. Eye catching, interesting, informative, but above all speed of access and very user friendly.
Steve Walters, The Toptree Initiative.

I just saw your web site for the first time and I am greatly impressed. I have strong family links with Dyke where my grandmother was born and I have ancestors from Dyke, Thurlby and Morton. Thanks again for the beautiful pages.
Bob Wilkinson, Newton, Mass., USA.

Great web site. I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed visiting. I was born in Lincoln and my ancestors are from various parts of the county. Almost made me feel I was home. Keep up the good work. Thanks.
Nora, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.

Thoroughly enjoyed our visit to your home page. Very impressive.
Liz & Sid Hatcliffe, Bendigo, Victoria, Australia.

We have just discovered your splendid web page. We lived for about ten years in Kirkby Underwood and loved the area. I tried often to get information and pictures of the area, so you can imagine how thrilled I was to find such a gem. Thank you sincerely.
Moira and John Ismay, Lithgow, New South Wales, Australia.

We have enjoyed your Bourne home pages and it is great to see some local photos.
David Leaper and family, Austerby, Bourne, Lincolnshire.

We are very fortunate to have you living in Bourne, creating and nuturing your incredible web site. Olga was born in Bourne and lived at Cavalry House until 1955 and we were married in the Abbey Church in 1952, emigrating in 1960 and our American family clan is twenty strong and still growing but Olga still has a brother and sisters in the Bourne area. The Bourne Diary is great! It really is incredible that with this combination of circumstances, your talents and interest, the technology involved, that our memories and current events are just a mouse click away. Please keep up the good work.
Olga and Howard Lindsay, Hamilton, Mass., USA.

I used to live in Rippingale and Osbournby about fifteen years ago and I wanted to drop you a brief line to say how much I have enjoyed your web site. Well designed and a treat to read.
Mark Armstrong, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

Congratulations on a simply superb web site! I am at present studying at university but my parents live in Bourne. It is nice to see what is happening back home while I am away.
Matthew Verity, Derby, England.

A very well laid out web site and very informative of our lovely town.
Ian Gadsby, Bourne, Lincolnshire.

I am a regular visitor to your site since reading about it in local papers sent to us by my parents who live in Bourne. I enjoy viewing the marvellous pictures of Bourne and surrounding area. I lived in Bourne for nearly thirty years and we emigrated to Australia in 1990. Viewing your site brings back many personal memories of what to me will always be home. Best wishes and congratulations on a great site.
Sue Woodgates, Townsville, North Queensland, Australia.

Just joined the internet community. We visited your Bourne web site following the article in this week's Mercury and congratulate you on both the presentation of your web page and for taking the time to put this delightful town on the map.
Patrick and Ruth Sullivan, Bourne, Lincolnshire.

I just want to thank you so very much for putting those two pictures of Kirkby Underwood and the ones of Swinstead on your site. My great-great-grandfather Edward Marshall was baptized in Kirkby Underwood in 1839 and married at Swinstead in 1866, before moving to Canada. I had long wanted to get some pictures of those churches. Thanks again.
Cindy Marshall Kennedy, Devine, Texas, USA.

Love the website! As a Bourne 'ex pat' and time served journalist, it's great to have an online news source on my home town so lovingly crafted by a fellow professional. I've bookmarked the page and log on regularly.
Nick Bannister, West Yorkshire, England.

The web site depicting Bourne, England is a pictorial and historic masterpiece. Mr. Rex Needle's photographs and the descriptions accompanying them is the personification of excellence. Upon viewing the pictures, they reach into our very soul. One cannot help but feel peace and tranquillity in their heart. Bourne, England should be on everyone's travel agenda.
John Hughes, Fort Worth, Texas, USA.

WOW! I'm impressed - that's such a nice web page you have. The pictures are great and the write-ups most interesting.
Sue Berube, Bangor, Maine, USA.

The Bourne site is a true masterpiece. We are very impressed by the pictures. It must be wonderful for people who have lived in the area and are now in distant places to be able to re-visit places that are near and dear to them. Well done!
Colin Burgess, British Columbia, Canada.

Absolutely great. The layout is very good and it is chock full of information. Congratulations. You should be proud of it.
Alan N, Memphis, Tennessee, USA.

Well done for bringing the town into the 20th century
Mike Holden, Bourne, Lincolnshire.

My mother and her family grew up in Bourne but living in America, I do not get to visit so often. Thanks for the opportunity to visit via cyberspace and learn more about the town. Great Job!
Doug Lindsay, Beverly, Massachusetts, USA.

I enjoyed your page . . . I would think that Bourne council would be very pleased with your efforts as most towns like to having something online for tourists.
Ros Patrick, Nowra, Australia.

Great job on your web site. It really is good to see these familiar pictures of home, especially now that I live so far away.
Guy Meacham, Portland, Oregon, USA.

Many congratulations on your web site. My mother grew up in Bourne and she agrees that the content gives a superb portrayal of the town of which the local community can be proud. Great photos.
Marcus McElroy, Warmington, Northamptonshire, England.

My parents have lived in Bourne for ten years or so and directed me to your web site. The photos bring back memories of the few times I have visited. I will be able to show my three-year old son where grandma and grandpa live. Thanks for your work on this site.
Richard Cook, Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA.

I was just speaking with my grand-parents who live in Morton and heard about you setting up a web page for the area. Congratulations!
Jason Mersman, California, USA.

Congratulations on your web site. You have done a fantastic job.
Eddie Cross, Canberra, Australia.

Your photos are outstanding! I have always wanted to visit England, especially the countryside. Your pictures and the extremely informative web page has made me want to make the journey even more than I did before.
Jeanne Hodge, Marion, Kentucky, USA.

I have just discovered your Bourne pages with the good photos etc. Congratulations!
The Rev Dr David Parker, Queensland, Australia.

It was great to see that you had put so much effort into all this. Much appreciated and many nostalgic memories.
Maryanne Leeton, St Andrews, Scotland.

A labour of love.
My wife, Bourne, Lincolnshire, England.


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