The Bourne web site

These photographs have been taken by visitors to the Bourne web site.



Fungi in Bourne Wood
Submitted by Colin Darvill, Templemeads Close, Morton, near Bourne
Posted Sunday 28th October 2012

Photographed by Colin Darvill Photographed by Colin Darvill

Off for an autumn walk in the woods the other day and remembered my camera which was fortunate because I found a couple of fungi growing happily. Note the fly on one of the plants.


A startling red sky at night
Submitted by Peter Sharpe, Hereward Street, Bourne
Posted Sunday 21st October 2012

Photographed by Peter Sharpe

The evening sky on Saturday began to turn a brilliant red and I rushed out to capture the sun setting behind Bourne's most picturesque landmark.


Dakota fly-past over Bourne
Submitted by Margaret Cox of Arnhem Way, Bourne
Posted on Wednesday 10th October 2012

Photographed by Margaret Cox

Sunday was BRM Celebration Day and the town was packed with people. I was coming out of the health food shop when I looked up and saw this plane overhead. Fortunately, I had my camera and managed to grab this shot.


  Cloudscape over Dunsby Fen, near Bourne
Submitted by Peter Wright of Willoughby Road, Bourne
Posted Monday 24th September 2012

Photographed by Peter Wright

The wide fenland skies provide a changing pattern of cloud formations that vary with the weather and here over Dunsby Fen, near Bourne, a bank of dark cumulus threatens rain on an otherwise bright and sunny day.


  A secluded spot along the Bourne Eau
Submitted by Geoffrey Bell of Princes Court, Bourne
Posted Friday 11th May 2012

Photographed by Geoff Bell

The culvert in Victoria Place where the river emerges on its way through to Eastgate is flowing again after the drought with trailing aubretia along the banks and even the occasional mallard.


Wood pigeons claim nesting site
Submitted by Geoff Wright, Wingate Way, Bourne
Posted Monday 25th July 2011

Photographed by Geoff Wright

Each year, turtle doves and wood pigeons compete to nest in a eucalyptus tree in our garden but the wood pigeons won this year and the turtle doves nested in our high hedge instead. Unfortunately, magpies stole the wood pigeons' first eggs but, undaunted, they have been successful this time. The nest looks quite decorative with the blue plastic.


The fen in winter
Submitted by Margaret Cox of Arnhem Way, Bourne
Posted on Thursday 1st December 2010

Photographed by Margaret Cox

I took this shot while out walking with my dog over the fields near Mill Drove and towards Dyke village. The snow was falling heavily one minute and the sun was shining the next. Wonderful sight and of course, my dog Roxy, a husky, loves this weather.


Summer storm over a wheat field
Submitted by Gordon Lack of Edenham Road, Hanthorpe, Bourne
Posted on Thursday 12th August 2010

Photographed by Gordon Lack

A summer storm produced dark clouds over Clipsey Lane, between Cawthorpe and Hanthorpe, near Bourne, with heavy rain falling in the distance and producing contrasting light on a crop of ripening wheat.


Sunbathing in the park
Submitted by Tony Dewey, Gladstone Street, Bourne
Posted Thursday 23rd July 2010

Photographed by Tony Dewey

I was out for a walk in the War Memorial gardens during the recent hot weather when I spotted this little guy stretched out on a tree trunk enjoying the sunshine and it was a sight too good to be missed.


Dusk at Elsea Park meadows
Submitted by David Pearson, Aykroft, Elsea Park, Bourne
Posted Sunday 27th June 2010

Photographed by David Pearson

This picture was taken from the bridge and overlooking one of the ponds as you enter the meadows at Elsea Park, just off the main A15 south of Bourne. The sun was just setting, giving the sky a fantastic colour.


Sunset over Bourne
Submitted by John Glen, Austerby, Bourne
Posted Saturday 12th June 2010

Photographed by John Glen

The sky changes so quickly as the sun goes down yet it is quite amazing what you can see from an upstairs window in a house not far from the town centre if you are prepared to watch and wait.


Squirrel in the treetops
Submitted by John Glen, Austerby, Bourne
Posted Sunday 23rd May 2010

Photographed by John Glen

During a glorious day in Bourne Wood, we found ourselves in the company of a grey squirrel up there in the treetops which was thoughtful enough to stay still long enough for a close up shot.


Diana's Glade in Bourne Wood
Submitted by Peter Hallam, Haconby, near Bourne
Posted Tuesday 18th May 2010

Photographed by Peter Hallam

The dynamic array of colours in Bourne Wood is simply awe inspiring at this time of the year and the bluebells in Diana's Glade are especially stunning. The woods constantly change almost by the day and each day here is always special.


Turtle doves make their debut
Submitted by Geoff Wright, Wingate Way, Bourne
Posted Tuesday 11th May 2010

Photographed by Geoff Wright

Photographed by Geoff Wright

Turtle doves nest in our eucalyptus tree every spring when the parents battle to keep them safe from magpies but this year they have successfully raised their first brood and the youngsters are trusting enough to allow us to get quite close. Soon, they will fly off and leave the nest to start another family and so we hope this is a good year for them and not so good for magpies.


New arrival at the Bourne Eau
Submitted by Graydon Jones, Pinewood Close, Bourne
Posted Tuesday 4th May 2010

Photographed by Graydon Jones

I found these little ones on the river near the War Memorial Gardens in South Street and visited on a number of mornings before I got this one which is the sharpest of the bunch. They were just too fast for me!


St Peter's Pool in early spring
Submitted by Graydon Jones, Pinewood Close, Bourne
Posted Saturday 24th April 2010

Photographed by Graydon Jones

I am a keen amateur photographer and often walk through Bourne with my wife who is happy to watch me snap away. I took this shot while we were inspecting the work underway around St Peter's Pool and despite being a dull day it was still beautiful.


First snow of the winter
Submitted by John Partridge, Heathcote Road, Bourne
Posted Saturday 19th December 2009

Photographed by John Partridge

We woke yesterday to the first snow of the winter that turned the town into a wonderland overnight and I took these shots along the Bourne Eau in Eastgate.

Photographed by John Partridge


Sunrise over the fen country
Submitted by Mandy Lee, Piccadilly Way, Morton, near Bourne
Posted Monday 28th September 2009

Photo by Mandy Lee

The fen may be flat but it is always interesting especially above the horizon because here you have an uninterrupted panoramic view, seen at its best in the early morning when sunrise on a fine day, such as here in Morton Fen, is a sight to behold.


Late summer at St Peter's Pool
Submitted by Gordon Lack of Edenham Road, Hanthorpe, Bourne
Posted on Friday 18th September 2009

Photo by Gordon Lack

Every visitor seems to take a photograph of St Peter's Pool, or the Wellhead as most people call it, but there are times when this popular spot looks a little different than usual and this was one of them, evoking some of the mystery of past times.


Sunrise over the Abbey Church
Submitted by Jim Jones of Stephenson Way, Bourne
Posted on Sunday 13th September 2009

Photo by Jim Jones

Early morning in Bourne is always full of surprises for those prepared to venture out and this shot of the sun coming up behind the Abbey Church was too good to miss.


Wind power in the fen
Submitted by Brian Lawrance of Edenham Road, Hanthorpe, near Bourne
Posted on Wednesday 9th September 2009

Photo by Brian Lawrance

It had to be a clear day to see these wind turbines in Deeping Fen from the grass verges at Hanthorpe and I managed to get this shot over the hedge after standing on the car doorsill and giving the camera maximum zoom.


Bringing in the harvest
Submitted by Geoffrey Bell of Princes Court, Bourne
Posted Sunday 23rd August 2009

Photo by Geoff Bell

While walking the footpath between Bourne and Dyke village, I found the wheat field being harvested and took this shot with a brown hare in the foreground watching in disbelief as the huge combine begins to gobble up the last bit of his territory.


A taste of summer
Submitted by Mandy Lee, Piccadilly Way, Morton, near Bourne
Posted Wednesday 24th June 2009

Photograph by Mandy Lee

Sunny days have arrived at last, just in time for midsummer day on June 24th. This is Morton Fen on a sunny evening, one of the best places to be.


The stillness of St Peter's Pool
Submitted by Peter Sharpe, Hereward Street, Bourne
Posted Tuesday 7th April 2009

Photo by Peter Sharpe

Although St Peter's Pool is full to overflowing, the surface is still, a marked change to its appearance many years ago when the springs bursting up from below created swirls and bubbles in three or four different places but now they have gone.


Early morning over the fen
Submitted by Mandy Lee, Piccadilly Way, Morton, near Bourne
Posted Sunday 5th April 2009

Photo by Mandy Lee

I was out in Morton Fen when the sun broke through the early morning mist, heralding the start of a beautiful spring day and this picture was not to be missed.


Mallard seeking spring courtship
Submitted by Geoffrey Bell of Princes Court, Bourne
Posted Tuesday 17th March 2009

Photo by Geoff Bell

On a very spring like morning, I spotted this trio of mallard drakes resplendent in their breeding plumage on the Car Dyke at the junction with the Bourne Eau but in spite of their best efforts, the only female in sight was not impressed with the synchro-swimming display and remained on the river bank.


Frogs spawning in our garden pond
Submitted by Sue Olley of Ostler Drive, Bourne
Posted Thursday 12th March 2009

Photo courtesy Sue Olley

Spring is almost here and frogs are spawning in our garden pond and croaking at all hours. It sounds very loud at night because the pond is quite near to the house and their various colours are a revelation, especially the one with a blue throat.


Early morning snow scene
Submitted by Sue Olley of Ostler Drive, Bourne
Posted Thursday 19th February 2009

Photo by Sue Olley

Snow fell over Bourne on Thursday 5th February and this is one of many shots I took while on the way to work, showing my front garden and the street outside in the early morning light and the pavement lamps still on. I was still snowing while I was out walking, very quiet and extremely beautiful.


Bonfire night in Bourne
Submitted by Chris Hill of Home Close, Bourne
Posted Wednesday 11th February 2009

Photo by Chris Hill

Photo by Chris Hill

These photographs were captured on the sports field at the Bourne Abbey C E Primary School during the bonfire night fireworks display last November, an occasion that produced some very colourful images and these were among my best shots.


A winter's walk in Bourne Wood
Submitted by Geoffrey Bell of Princes Court, Bourne
Posted Thursday 15th January 2009

Photo by Geoffrey Bell

Bourne Wood even in winter can be very pretty and this photo was taken in mid-January during one of my daily walks with my dog. The combination of frost, mist and winter sunshine gives an atmospheric image of another walker out with his two companions.


Diana's Glade in Bourne Wood
Submitted by Helen Powell, Westwood Drive, Bourne
Posted Sunday 11th May 2008

Photo by Helen Powell

This is an early morning glimpse of Diana's Glade in Bourne Wood, taken before I went to work in the morning. It really is stunning and a reminder that we must do all we can to prevent this or any other part of this wonderful woodland from any encroachment that would despoil the area.


Bluebells in Dole Wood
Submitted by Yve Scott, Chapel Lane, Thurlby, near Bourne
Posted 29th April 2008

Photo by Yve Scott

I took this on a Monday evening visit, having missed the official Sunday Open Day. It was a glorious sunny evening with hardly a soul about and we had a very peaceful stroll around the wood. This is just one of 60 shots I took and it was hard to choose the best. If anyone wants a peaceful half hour, I can highly recommend Dole Wood.


Spring dawn in Bourne Wood
Submitted by Mick Smith, Westwood Drive, Bourne
Posted 15th April 2008

Photo by Mick Smith

It was April and the beginning of spring and I was on an early morning outing to Bourne Wood at about 6.30 am, just as the sun popped over the horizon. This is one of several photographs I took of the coming dawn over the woodland ponds. Stunning.


The nave of the Abbey Church
Submitted by Russell Croucher, West Street, Bourne
Posted 6th September 2007

Photo by Russell Croucher

While taking pictures in the church for the restoration committee I found this unusual angle of the nave from the Ringer's Gallery. It is one of a set of pictures to raise funds for repairs and other work required on the church and they may be also be used for postcards in the future.


Wildlife in Bourne Wood
Submitted by Joanna Coleman of Thyme Avenue, Bourne
Posted 6th November 2006

Photo by Joanne Coleman

Photo by Joanne Coleman

I was just looking at the beautiful pictures on your web site and wanted to send you a couple that were taken last summer in Bourne Wood by my husband Michael Shoreson. I hope you like them. One is a close up of a beautiful dragonfly and the other is perhaps not the most attractive creature because we saw a grass snake in the woods and managed to take a picture before it disappeared into the undergrowth.


Late autumn sunshine at Baldock's Mill
Submitted by John Partridge of Heathcote Road, Bourne
Posted 2nd November 2006

John was walking home when this view of Baldock's Mill in South Street in the late afternoon November sunshine caught his eye, too good a scene to miss, showing the rear of the early 19th century building overlooking the mill pond.

Photo by John Patridge


Mallard and young at St Peter's Pool
Submitted by Tom Houseago of Midleton Gardens, Bourne
Posted 11th July 2006

Photo by Tom Housesago

Photo byy Tom Houseago

Tom is a student at Bourne Grammar School and often walks through the Wellhead Gardens, especially in the summer when the weather is favourable. He had just finished his exams on this occasion when he found a mallard duck and its young on the banks of the pool. "I am not a professional photographer but I enjoy taking the occasional picture", he says. He managed to capture these shots with his mobile phone.


Cherry blossom in the Wellhead Gardens
Submitted by Stan McCrae of Willow Drive, Bourne
Posted 14th May 2006

Photo by Stan McCrae

Stan is a keen walker and photographer and as the Wellhead Gardens are often on his route, he could not fail to miss the cherry blossom that decorates the main path every springtime and where he took this marvellous shot on Thursday 4th May this year.


Signs of spring around Bourne
Submitted by Frank Croom of Elder Close, Bourne
Posted 29th March 2006

Photo by Frank Croom

Photo by Frank Croom

The spring flowers are late but here is some cherry blossom from last year and a few bluebells from Bourne Wood to remind us of the magnificent display we will all soon be witnessing.


Winter dawn over Meadow Drove
Submitted by Frank Croom of Elder Close, Bourne
Posted 23rd February 2006

Photo by Frank Croom

I work a weekend night shift in Peterborough and driving to and fro get to see some wonderful sunrises. This one was taken on a chilly frosty morning in March from Meadow Drove at around 7.30 am.


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